Doppler LiDAR to Support Safe Operation of Flying Cars Installed on Rooftop of Asia-Pacific Trade Center-The world’s first real-time observation and visualization of wind conditions over and around Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan site
Metro Weather Co., Ltd. have been promoting the world’s first network of “Doppler LiDAR,” a 3D wind measurement device that visualizes wind gusts and turbulence in real time, which is essential information for drones and flying vehicles to operate, take off and land safely and securely, in the Osaka Bay Area and Osaka urban areas.
The first Doppler LiDAR has been installed on the roof of the Asia and Pacific Trade Center (ATC) building in cooperation with the City of Osaka and the Softwear Industry Plaza TEQS of OSAKA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, a public interest incorporated foundation, and with the help of a FY2022 subsidy from the Osaka Prefectural Government for a project to promote energy industry creation (demonstration experiments of advanced technologies related to technological innovation, etc.).
MetroWeather will continue the demonstration test in 2023, which has been conducted since 2022.
The ATC is located in close proximity to Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan site. The newly installed Doppler LiDAR enables real-time observation and visualization of wind conditions not only over Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan site, but also in the Osaka Bay area.
We will support Osaka in becoming the world’s leading city for drones and flying cars by observing wind conditions.
Our Press Release is here (Japanese only).